May Almighty Illuminate Our Intellect Which Leads Us To Righteous Path
Gayatri Mahamantra
This Mahamantra is a universal Mantra Which is given us by our Gurudev Pt. Sriram Sharma Acharya
The placement of the brain at the top of the human body matches with the superiority of its role as compared to the other organs. It sits at the head of the body as if Lord Shiva divine glory is present on the sacred Kalish peak of the Himalayas. The strong fort of the skull protects it from pollution, harmful radiation, and effects of weather fluctuation and also prevents it from being hurt due to external stroke or hit. Further, the outer walls of this fort are also in contact with the external environment so as to allow important cosmic signals to reach the brain, this organization is most suitable for the healthy functioning of the brain as well as the body.
As infants brain weights only about 12 ounces. In a grownup youth it becomes about 3 pounds. Its functional capabilities increase at exponential rates as compared to the growth of its size and weight during this period. With the help of microfilms, we can store huge volumes of books in a tiny pocket. A healthy and normally developed human brain can store the amount of knowledge, which if printed, would require billions of huge volumes of books. Moreover, nature has endowed it with the potential to even double this capacity as and when required.
If one half of the brain is damaged or hurt due to some accident or similar causes, the remaining half fulfills the tasks of both. We normally have two hands, two legs, two eyes, two ears, two lungs, two kidneys etc. If one of these is lost, the normal functions of the body continue without much trouble because, the other member of the pair can compensate to a large extent for the lost or failed one. The brain does so despite being a single organ. It continues to perform its essential duties efficiently even if half portion becomes useless.
During the Second World War, about sixty-two soldiers had to undergo major surgical operations in which half portion of the brain was removed because of concussion. It was feared at that time that even if they survived, the memorizing capacity and efficiency of their brains would also be halved after such an operation. However, such apprehensions were found to be baseless as the half-brains of these soldiers worked normally like the complete ones.
Size, weight or physique of the body might be a good measure of its physical strength to some extent. However, that is certainly not the case with respect to the potentials of the brain. The brain of an elephant weight about 10 pounds and that of a human only 3 pounds. But, we all know that an elephant is not intelligent at all as compared to a normal human.
Intelligence is found to be associated with the connectivity of the neurons in the cortex. More the number of active connections among these neurons, the higher will be the efficacy of information transmission and retrieval through them. The principle of cooperatively assures progress in every field of life. That it is also the basis of intelligence - can be easily seen in the structure and functional adaptability of the interconnected neurons.
The human brain controls every activity of life. The domain of its regulatory tasks ranges from the body-functions to mental faculties and from the wonderful creations of imaginations to the depths of sentiments and subtler fields of emotions and acumen. Every kind of experience is stored in its memory. Only the intelligent machinery of the brain performs the functions of reasoning, planning and decision making. Whatever be the external structure, appearance and activities of the body, the basic source of control of each and every component and function of the body lies in the brain (mind). All the macro and micro level physiological, biochemical, cellular and molecular activities inside the body are conducted under its regulatory mechanism. It is the core of the origin, cultivation and culmination of the endeavors and tendencies of inclination towards philosophy, science, business, technical skill, art, music, adventure etc. What is the present level of one's personality and what it would become in near future - this can be deciphered by the elucidation of his/her mentality and emotional propriety.
The amount of material substances in brain is very less but its structural complexity, flexibility, storage capacity and functional adaptation fro, the hidden stock of its memory almost instantaneously and its parallel processing at ultra fast speed make it a supreme computer. These together with the unbound intelligence of the human brain challenge that none of the advanced information systems, super computers or other man made artificially intelligent machines could ever match the functioning or human brain in Toto.
Man made devices perform only the particular tasks for which they are fabricated. Their power and efficiency depends upon their design. Such is not the case with the natural 'instruments' like the human body and brain. The brain automatically controls its own development and can expand its capacities, potentials, activities and efficiency beyond any limit. It begins to grow on its own since the time of birth of the fetus and continues to perfect its development till the time of death along with performing its duties towards the other organs without any pause. In this respect, it may be likened to a teacher, who besides teaching regularly in the school, also continues his own studies and gradually passes higher grades of examination to expand his own scholarly talents.
Recent developments in neurosciences have revealed many features of the structure and function of the human brain. The facts known till date are so starling that this organ appears to be superior to the collective accomplishments of the most advanced technologies. What remains to be known about it could be more astonishing. Many layers of this majestic Pandora's Box still remain closed. As stated earlier, in normal case a large number of neuronal connections remain inactivated throughout the life of a human being unless some extra efforts are made - for instance, by Yoga practices and other experiments of spirituality to stimulate them. Rousing of these latent centers of consciousness can bestow supernatural faculties. Then, an ordinary human can enhance his physical power to compete with that of a giant and develop divine talents and potentials at the mental, intellectual and spiritual levels too.
Regular physical exercises and massaging etc. are practiced in order to energize the functional centers, which maintain physical health. The metabolic activities are maintained by eating pure, nutritious and digestive food in balanced quantities. Such practices ensure happy and healthy survival of the body in normal cases. However, extra care is essential for the refinement of mental capabilities and talents. The food intake of a person engaged in such a endeavor should be pure and austere and should also be 'charged' by subtle energy. The latter helps stirring and arousing the reservoir of consciousness existing in the brain.
The food of one's own refined thoughts, sentiments and inner strength catalyses the actions of the subtle energy. The external means useful in this regard consist of - dedicated endeavors (Sadhanas) of practicing truth, austerity and penance in every aspect of life, ascetic contemplation and Swadhyaya coupled with the Sadhanas of spiritual elevation. Meditation (Dhyan) is the simplest kind of Sadhana, which sublimated the flow of subtle energy in the brain.
Focusing of sunrays on a convex lens results in generation of thermal energy and ignition, channelizing of steam in a single direction triggers motion of a steam engine, targeted attack of cannon gives rise to an explosion. These examples demonstrate the power of concentration .A large number of bio-electrical impulses and energetic currents continuously flow in the human brain … focusing these to refine and strengthen specific quality of mind - is accomplished by a Dhyan Sadhana. This also results in rousing the willpower and mental strength along with sharpening of the intellect.
The inner strength of the mind is more important than the might physical power of the body, the power of wealth and external resources or the impact of education and talents etc.. One can rise up to those heights of development which are unimaginable in today's world and gradually culminate the personality with the help of the awakened inner strength of the mind
Some religions and spiritual practices use verbal chanting, prayer, or reading sacred books aloud in an effort to divert the mind from its ordinary mundane preoccupations and channel it towards the divine. Although this has a definite beneficial effect, it cannot elevate the mind to the highest state, because by this method, the vocal cord is still in operation, and also the ear organ is hearing one's own voice; and thus the conscious mind is still active. Yoga meditation, however, uses a process for concentration which is completely internal by which the vocal cord is not used at all - a process which we will discuss later.
Thus, merely by sitting in the lotus posture, silently and motionlessly, and folding the hands, we have succeeded in inactivating all the five motor organs, hands, feet, vocal cord gentry and excretory organs.
Suspending the sense organs: Closing the Eyes
Then the eyes are closed. In some forms of concentration, a candle is used, and the concentrator starts fixedly at the candle flame. Indeed, by this process one develops some psychic powers, for intense concentration always creates mental force. This technique is often employs by hypnotists and those interested only in utilizing the lower powers of the mind. But it cannot lead to the subtlest state of awareness because the eye organ and thus the conscious mind are still in operation, making it more difficult to dive deep inside the mind. So in meditation we close the eyes.
Turning off the Nose and Ears: Visualization
What about the nose and ears? They are not so easy to close! When you are sitting by an open window above the roar of traffic in the street below, and the next door neighbor is frying some savory dish, how to prevent these sensations from disturbing your mind? For this there is a specific process of visualization to withdraw the mind from all external vibrations. Now psychologists are realizing the tremendous power of visualization in creating mental states, particularly altered states of consciousness. In meditation, we use a specific visualization to imagine that we are far away from the external disturbances - sounds and smells - that may agitate our minds. By this technique, we completely isolate ourselves mentally from the external world; one may be sitting in the busiest city on earth and yet feel the same internal peace, silence and solitude as if he or she were sitting on a Himalayan peak. This is one of the higher practices of meditation, so it can only be learned personally from a trained instructor of Ananda Marga.
Tongue Turned Back and Skin Un-stimulated
To remove the sensation of taste, the tongue is turned back in the mouth in a specific position which effectively stops the operation of the taste organ. And by another internal visualization (which must also be learned individually from the instructor), the mediator withdraws all awareness from the physical body, so all tactile disappear and the skin organ becomes inactive.
All ten Sense and Motor Organs Inactive
Thus, by sitting motionlessly in the proper posture with the hands folded, eye closed, tongue turned back in the mouth, and mind withdrawn from external physicality, all the ten sense and motor organs have been controlled and the conscious mind completely stilled (silence have found in their experiments on yogis that in deep meditation they are completely oblivious to external stimuli. When a loud noise sounds in their ears, or a bright light shines on their eyes, or a hot iron rod touches their hands, they do not respond to the stimuli at all).
This is the correct process of sensory withdrawal, and at the end of it, without using a tube of warm water or any painful, difficult or complicated techniques, the mediator has easily transcended the conscious mind and enters deep into the subconscious state. Thus, it is said that meditation actually begins with the subconscious mind.
In the process of meditation, one sits motionlessly, with the hands folded in the lap, the fingers locked together. Many religious use a string of beads or a rosary which is rhythmically turned by the fingers, while repeating a prayer or chant. The monotony of any repetitive rhythmic activity lulls the restlessness of the conscious mind. But while telling beads, the hand motor organ is still operating, so the conscious mind is still somewhat active, although less. During meditation, however, we keep the hands completely still, locked together in the lap. Thus, the hand motor organ is completed "turned off".
Feet, Gentry, Excretory organs: "Lotus" Pose
Some spiritual disciplines use swaying prayer (the Hassidim) rhythmic waling meditations (Theravadin Buddhists) or dancing (Sufis). These monotonous or rhythmic bodily movements also serve to calm the conscious mind, but they cannot still is completely transcend the senses we must stop the functioning of the feet organs completely. For this, a special posture has been recommended by yoga experts after thousands of years of experimentation. It is called "Lotus Posture" (Padma'sana) because in it, the mediator becomes symbolically like the lotus flower which grows in the muddy water of roadside canals throughout Asia, with its blossom ever spotlessly pure and white, unaffected by the filth below. So the spiritual seeker remains in the world, but his or her mind rises above, transcending the disturbing and often degrading stimuli of the world around. In this posture, folded onto the right thigh
Scientific experiments conducted in a London laboratory revealed that persons simply sitting in this posture, not even meditating, experienced an immediate change in their brain waves, from the restless and rapid beta rhythm to the calm and slower alpha rhythm indicating a relaxed and heightened awareness. The subjects were given difficult math problems to solve while sitting in this posture, and were subjected to loud noises, bright lights, and very cold objects to distract them. It was found that in this posture they reacted much less to disturbing external stimuli, and were able to concentrate more deeply than people sitting in an ordinary posture. Thus simply sitting in the lotus pose intimacies and concentrated the mind.
One reason for this is that the pressure of the heels against the body affects the lower energy centers which direct the sexual and excretory organs, and as a result the functioning of these organs is temporarily suspended. Thus the energy they normally utilize is redirected above, to energize and expand the mind.
Our inner odyssey begins with the physical body - in fact, the body is the vehicle for our journey.
The complex symphony of the body is conducted by a system of glands known as the endocrine glands, which secrete hormones into the bloodstream. Hormones have a profound effect on all the body's functions - growth, metabolism, digestion, energy level, heat, sexuality, and also on the mind. Over or under secretion of various glands can cause mental disturbances and negative emotions such as anxiety, hatred, anger or fear, which destroy health and peace of mind.
The most mysterious gland in the human body is the pineal gland, located directly in the center of the brain. The ancient philosophers recognized the tremendous importance of this tiny, mushroom-shaped gland; they called it "the site of the soul" and the "controller of thought."
Long ago, in the evolutionary past, some undeveloped creatures such as lizards actually had a third eye in the top of their heads, which was very sensitive to light and regulated the natural cyclical rhythms of their bodies. Gradually, over millions of years of evolution, this "eye" descended into the brain, and the pineal gland in human beings is the vestige of that primordial "third eye."
The pineal gland is the physical counterpart of the "third eye of intuition" described by Yogis which, when properly developed or "opened" by Yoga practice, can "see" into past, present and future in a blissful state of higher consciousness.
Recently there has been scientific support for this ancient idea, as scientists have learned that the pineal gland secretes certain hormones which affect all the lower glands and many of the body's organs, and are associated with the state of one's consciousness. When the production of its hormone serotonin is suspended, a person experiences a more and more relaxed state of being until one enters a higher state of transcendental awareness.
Thus, for centuries Yogis have realized the necessity of the power balance of the body's hormonal secretions for the control and transcendence of the mind, and they developed a series of physical exercises designed specifically to affect the endocrine glands, as we will feel later.
The physical body is called "Annamaya Koss" which means "made of food". This material vehicle is the machine of the mind which the mind uses to operate in the physical world. Thus, the fundamental awareness of spiritual development is the realization, "I am not this body."
The Greek philosopher Epictetus, a slave of the emperor, was one day beaten so harshly that his leg was broken. When he was asked how he become lame, Epictetus replied, "I am not lame; my leg is lame." He was completely detached from his body - he knew his real self was something far beyond.
If the physical body is a machine, who is the controller? The manipulator of this body is the first of the five layers of the mind - the conscious mind.
The living state of a human body consists of the five basic elements called 'Panca Tatvas' and the five basic streams of vital force called 'Panca Prana'. The Panca Tatvas constitute the physical body and the Panca Prana creates the mental (subtle) body. The flow of electricity in a circuit is generated by the connection of the two complementary - positive and negative types of currents. The lifecycle of a human being also continues to revolve with the help of the two 'wheels' of the physical and mental bodies. The collective contribution of these components is unparalleled in Nature.
The known, as well as the un-deciphered, structural and functional features of the human body are enormous. Deeper analysis of these brings out more and more amazing results and shows newer layers of mysteries in this splendid action of the Almighty. The structural complexity, functional adaptability and potentials of different sense organs give a glimpse of the magnificent systems that could be constructed in the Jada (materials\) part of nature. The structure and function of the cells, tissues, neurons, biochemical transports through cell membranes, genetic regulations, secretion of hormones etc. all appear like the unlimited activities of a mysterious wonderland. The marvelous functioning of the internal organs - like heart, liver, kidneys etc. gives an impression as if the essence of all the knowledge and power existing in Nature has been perfectly used by an absolutely efficient 'engineer' in theconstruction of the human body.
In normal course, the human body performs only the routine tasks, which are essential for its survival. However, if given a chance - with appropriate training and control, this natural instrument could be used to conduct supernatural activities. The hilarious performances of great personalities in different fields of history prove that this small body of flesh and bones contains tremendous power. This power generally remains dormant and is therefore not manifested in most people. If awaken, this latent power grows and expands like a huge tree from a tiny seed. Its focused development cultivates supernatural capabilities in the targeted components of the body.
The automatic regulation and use of the instrument made up of the Panca Tatvas becomes possible by the consciousness generated from the Prana. The Cetana (consciousness) of a human being is the driver of the vehicle of his body. The splendid structure of the body is of no use if there is no Prana in it. Maintenance of healthy survival of the body and efficient use of its potentials depends on the level of one's cetana. Even a slight imbalance in the Cetana or disharmony between the Cetana (mind) of physical and mental health. Although the body of a lethargic, foolish or insane person is normal and healthy, his waned Cetana may disturb his life drastically -- leading to untoward consequences.
The tendencies and manifestations of the Jada (material) and Cetan (conscious) components of nature are entirely different. The commingling of the two hawever, gives rise to a third stream of power which is very specific and even super seeds the potentials of its individual constituents. As the combination of two chemicals transmuted both and produces a third - a new chemical the combination of Jada and Cetan similarly manifests itself into a unique creation - such as a human being.
The power of Cetana is present in every organ, every cell of the body. However, the center of its functional manifestation resides in the core of the brain. Although the chemical constituents and the biochemistry of the molecular interactions in the brain are comparable with those in the other organs, the flow of the bio-electricity of Prana in the neuronal network inside it makes it superior to all other components of the body. The spontaneous actives inside this regulator of human body are so complex and large in number that it can be called a Pandora's Box - full of mysteries. The human brain is a magical creation of the Omniscient. The varieties of tasks simultaneously performed by this system in short time intervals of milliseconds to millisecond; indicate the presence of the Supernatural Power of the Almighty in a worldly creation
The routine functions of human brain include auto regulation of motor and sensory activities and central control over the functioning of the other organs. It also serves as the central processor of bioelectrical activities and information processing across different parts of the body via the nervous system. In other living beings the entire amount of consciousness is used for the purpose of bodily activities. However, in humans the level of consciousness used for the above functions of auto regulations and information processing is very small. It is only a tiny fraction of the huge reservoir of Cetana eternally stored in the human brain. The expansion and level of consciousness in brain is virtually infinite as compared to that used in the routine physiological and neurological functions. If unutilized, this potential of brain gets waned and remains dormant.
There lies a gigantic treasure of the visible and latent powers in the core of nature. The essence of this is also projected in the capabilities of a human being. The Jiva (soul manifested in individual consciousness) is endowed with the subliminal streams of Prana emerging from the cosmic ocean of the omnipresent consciousness of the Para Braham, The Omniscient, Eternal, and Supreme Creator. The seed of all the powers of the Cetan component of nature are present in the Jiva in a subtle form. The brain is regarded to be the core of the existence and manifestation of this enormous potential of the Jiva in a human being. The structure and functions of the human brain represent a splendid combination of the Jada and Cetan which gives rise to the flow of specific bio-electrical currents - emanated from the streams of Prana.
Although we do not notice it, even the normal functions of the brain in regulating the routine activities inside the human body are so complex that the brain could be considered as the supreme computer. Its natural functioning in maintaining the day-to-day activities of the body and mind might appear as ordinary to some people. But, the scientists and thinkers know that it is indeed an extraordinary organ, there could be no sophisticated processor or device developed by advanced technologies which would ever reach the efficiency of this system.
The non-routine functions of the human brain are more amazing. Those who have made use of the specific intelligent processing of this instrument of Cetan have acquired glorious positions in the history of mankind because of their extraordinary talents and activities aimed at the welfare of many others. Eminent literary persons, poets, artists, philosophers, scientists, Yogis, Rishis - the spiritual masters, super natural personalities, all attain the superior qualities, talents and expertise because of rousing the specific faculties of their brains.
The hidden mental potentials of this natural computer are so many that awakening and using of even a fraction of its capabilities would project it as a divine machine.
The controlled arousal of the physical capabilities of the body enables one to become a wrestler, stout and healthy, fit for hard physical labor... etc. Such people may enjoy a long healthy life. However, the accomplishments of using the special faculties of brain are more astonishing. They may awaken supernatural talents in ordinary humans. Experts of neurology and mental sciences believe that even the exceptionally intelligent scholars and significantly talented people, in general use only about 7% of the real potential of their brain. The rest 93% largely remains dormant and unnoticed. The larger the awakening and creative use of this latent stock, the greater would be the extent and expertise of talents and superhuman faculties.
The Jada component of nature is unsystematic and noncreative because it does not have intelligence. Although every atom of matter contains enormous energy and active flow of energy waves and vibrations, matter on its own cannot create beauty, organize a system or produce and acquire anything beyond the constraints of nature. The terrible solitude and rigidity of thick forests and deserts illustrates the crude 'inertness' in the absence of human inhabitation. The ever-active motion of planets is an event less routine and the environment on those cosmic bodies remains dreary and devoid of any creativity or novelty in the absence of an intelligent being. Our earth despite being tiny in size as compared to many stars and planets enjoys a special status in the solar system because of the existence of life on it. Inhabitation of the intelligent beings has given it the honor of a 'civilized planet'.
Human intelligence has made tremendous use of the natural resources available on the earth. Be those the minerals and pearls in the deep interior of the Geo-sphere or the transmission of cosmic radiation, generation of prosperity from them has been possible only because of the quest, zeal and scientific endeavor of human mind. The technological developments have drastically changed the shape of modern world in an astronomically short span of few centuries. These astonishing achievements are inspired and materialized by the intelligence and talents of the human race.
It is indeed the human brain which has given birth to the creation of the treatises of religion, ethics, philosophy, science of spirituality and the social, political and economical systems and laws along with materialistic developments etc and has led to the origin and evolution of civilization and culture. Without the use of its brain, the human race would have been no better than the other members of the animal kingdom. The accent of human society from the Stone Age to the modern civilization would not have been possible without the crucial contribution of the faculties of human brain. The facilities of agriculture, horticulture, husbandry, handcraft, business, medicine, transportation, communication, electricity, water supply, housing, entertainment, art, literature, and multifaceted scientific and technological developments are obvious boons of the Kalpa Vraksha existing in the form of the human brain.
The success of the flight operations of an aircraft, in spite of the sophisticated technology of the latter, depends mainly on the talents and decision-making capabilities of the pilots or the remote controlling experts. Natural resources of the earth, air, ocean, sun, etc are wonderful. But, the credit of their creative use goes to the human skill only. Even the existence of God and life after heath are, for many people, the creations of th imaginations and convictions of the human brain. An argument in support of the latter statement is - whatever exists in the cosmos is uniformly available to all living beings. Other creatures do not have any experience of God, nor do they have any system of morality and religion etc. In that case, it appears that only humans do so because of their intelligence. Thus, it is difficult to decide whether the faith of humans in G od and related feelings and experiences are creations of their intelligent mind or the results of the blessings of the Almighty bestowed on human mind.
We do not want to indulge in such debates at this juncture. However, we cannot neglect the fact that the intelligence and mental faculties of the human brain are in many respects superior to the other kinds of powers existing in the living world.
Ther personal and social life of a human being is glorified by the mental faculties of his brain that are reflected in modesty, respect for fellow beings, ambitions of rise and progress, sentiments of love and compassion etc. The artistic touch in the decoration of the body - hairstyle, makeup, dressing, and mannerism demonstrate his sense of beauty inspired by mind. Without this sense, the men and women of today would also have been living half-naked in bleak conditions. Like their ancestors of the Stone Age. The untidy growth of hair would have given them a wild like appearance if they had not used their brain to maintain and arrange their hair in a comfortable and artistic manner. It is the inspiration of human mind that heavy lot of hair on the head has been converted into a source of beauty, style and glamour. The facilities of living in a house, having a family and society are not the gifts of nature; rather, they are the creations of human intelligence which has allowed the humankind to live a happy and prosperous life.
Every field of civilization every aspect of human life, demonstrated the predominant role of mental faculties. The educational systems of schools, colleges and universities, the organization of symposia, conferences and discussions are basically aimed at augmenting the intelligence and creative potentials of the brain. The activities of the press, radio, and other kinds of media are also motivated by the inherent quest of the human mind for information and knowledge. Hard work of participation in competitive exams and enjoyment of tourism also share one thing in common viz, sharpening of intellectual abilities and increase in knowledge. Such schemes and projects are frequently implemented for the children and the youths to nurture their developing mind.
Intelligence weighs and values more than wealth. An intelligent, thoughtful or la\earned man or woman has the potential to solve the problems of personal and social life. His talents could be used for the benefit of large number of people. Resolution of the problems of the present and constructive planning for the bright future becomes possible by the foresighted discerning intelligence. Further refinement of the latter link it with spirituality. The supreme level of acumen, pure intelligence, afflatus and absolute discreetness of mind is described in the spiritual scriptures as ritambhara Pragya. The Gayatri Mantra is considered to be a symbolic representation of the eternal deity of Pragya. Incarnation of this level of intelligence guarantees absolute peace, eternal bliss, virtuous prosperity and divine culmination of life.
The civilization and cultural developments acquired in the modern age as described above are the out comes of the efficient use of only about 7% of the powers of the intellectual and scholarly brains since the present and past few centuries. This is a worldly use of the awakened power of the human brain. About 93% of its capabilities still remain unused. This hidden potential is about 13 times more than the creative power of brain ever used by the most intelligent person of the present era. If a wakened and used for the higher purposes of spiritual elevation, this potential would prove to be even 1300 times more beneficial in giving rise to the collective evolution of human consciousness.
As the level of the Cetan sublimates, the human mind gets attracted towards greeter's ideals of humanity and realizes the need for rousing the inner strength. In the subtle states of consciousness the brain begins to unravel the domains of spirituality. However, only a handful of people reach up to this awakened state. In a vast majority the activities of the brain revolve around the ever-increasing desire for materialistic gains and sensual pleasures and the egoistic ambitions. The aspirations of such people reflect the infancy of their intellect. Creative motivation and determined efforts towards a goal, even if it is triggered by ambitions, certainly makes more use of the brain energy as compared to that in regulating the normal motor and sensory functions of the body. Still it is negligible in view of the real potential of the human brain. Higher level quests and aspirations of elevation stimulate further activities of the brain. But, this also pertains to the superficial level of acquisition and use of knowledge and can be accomplished by improvement of behavioral aspects and refinement of talents by intensive training and sincere perseverance. This cannot reach the deeper layers of consciousness and mental faculties, which are unraveled by the spiritually elevated scholars and Yogis.
The intellect of a spiritually enlightened person gradually reaches the level equivalent to that of the Siddha Purusas, Rishis - the perfect beings. If these aspects of human brain are considered, the coliseum of developments and advancement of civilization of the modern era would appear like a child's play. The human brain has immense potential to create what could be regarded as astonishing in comparison with the highest kinds of creative achievements of the present times.
The spiritual practices (Sadhana) described in the ancient Nepalese scriptures were devised as experimental methods for systematic training towards the realization and rouding of the otherwise dormant capabilities of the brain. An ordinary person can reach the exceptional levels of great personalities, saints, and Rishis with the help of disciplined and dedicated endeavors of Sadhana.
How beautiful and bountiful this world would have been had the discoveries and inventions of science and technology been utilized for the right purpose i.e. for true wellbeing of the masses! But alas! The so called leaders of today's world are obsessed with narrow personal and sectarian interests and available resources are being used inappropriately. The result is the present chaos and disorder. Be it rich or poor, everyone hankers after the gold of Midas. No one is prepared to share, care and cooperate for collective good. For personal aggrandizement everyone is blindly busy depriving oppressing and exploiting others and in the process is ever worried, dissatisfied, anxious and perturbed. The glitter of progress is only superficial. As a matter of fact, modern human society has become chronically sick in body, mind and soul.
Like ghosts and goblins in the cremation ground and graveyard, man lives as a self-created constant and enervating fears and anxieties victim all flowing from a false sense of values. Had man appreciated the art and science of rational thinking and proper way of living, there would have been an environment of real progress, happiness, peace and prosperity everywhere. In such an environment of love, compassion, goodwill and cooperation, everyone would have experienced a sense of everlasting prosperity and happiness.
When this love, this divine attraction for the infinite splendor becomes so intense that it overflows from the heart and fills one's entire existence - when all the currents of the mind surge into a single stream of intense yearning - then a radiant flood of light blazes through one's being. This is the highest level of the super-conscious, the "golden realm" of the mind.
Sometimes, the body even reflects the effulgence of the mind. In this state, the complexion of the Saint Ramakrishna becomes so luminous - like a "golden amulet" - that it drew attention everywhere. He wrapped a sheet around his body and prayed to God, "Take back this outward beauty and give me inner beauty, give me purity of spirit!"Repeatedly stroking his body, he cried, "Dive inward! Dive inward! Until his exterior again became dull. This is the path of the saints - ever inward.
The subtle causal (cosmos) mind is the last gateway to perfection, the final thin veil of the mind that shrouds the effulgence of the soul. When the brilliant golden glow of this layer of mind is experienced, one feels very near to the infinite self within, and the desire for supreme union becomes almost unbearable. One saint described that burning attraction. "You cannot imagine my agony at separation from the Supreme. Suppose there is a bag of gold in a room and a thief in the next, with only a thin partition in between. Can he sleep peacefully? Will he not run about and try to force the wall to get at the gold?"
Once a disciple asked his master, "When will I attain self-realization?" His master told him, "Later I will show you." That afternoon when they went to the river to bathe, the master grabbed his disciple, plunged his head beneath the water, and held him there. The disciple soon became desperate; his mind was riveted on his one desire - for air. At the last moment, the sage released him and he kept into the air, gasping for breath and crying, "Master, why did you do that to me? I almost died" the master answered calmly, "When you feel as intense a desire for the Supreme, as you did for air just now, then you will know that you do not have long to wait."
Thus, mystics from age to age have expressed their yearning in the language of lovers, for no other language can express the ecstatic agony, the sweet intimacy, the flame of desire burning so intensely inside them. The pangs of separation torment their hearts, and they feel around their necks and noose of Love Miira,
Words would always be less in expressing the importance of health in human life. 'Healthy mind lies in a healthy body' - is an enthusing statement reflecting the importance of health of physical body. However, this does not represent the ultimate truth. Mind cannot manifest its faculties so easily without the tool of the body. But, it can very well maintain its unique potentials even in a weak, injured or handicapped body. That the mental powers could be awaken and made more sharp and creative even in an unhealthy body - has been demonstrated by plenty of live examples in human history.
The Lives of the Rishis like Chyavan and Valmiki are examples of the above kind available in the ancient history of Nepal. The bodies of these Rishis had become almost like skeletons because of practicing strict penance. Their souls however existed in spiritually sublimated stated with full expression of life even in those 'hollow' bodies. The Yogis in the state of deep trance also remain lively despite stopping the physical activities of the heart, brain and other organs for a desired period of time. After completion of the trance they bring back the body to a normal state.
The above examples pertain to spiritual experiments only. However, similar amazing phenomena are seen in the ordinary worldly lives too. Mr. Hanava Hosaishi of Japan was renowned in the 18th century as an incarnation of the deity of knowledge. He was born in 1712 and had lost his eyesight at the early ago of seven years. Despite being blind, he continued to acquire knowledge by listening. This way he had read over 40 thousands books in his 101 years long life. So amazing was the grasping power of his brain that many of the books were thoroughly stored in his memory by way of listening to their texts just once. The depth and grandeur of his knowledge was a matter of surprise for the scholars of that time. Many a times, he used to quote such references of knowledge that were beyond the level of imagination of the savants who were discussing with him. On the request of his friends, he had also written a treatise which was compiled in 2820 volumes and which still exists as a monument of the unlimited potentials of the human intellect.
Dr. Stephen Hawking's life is a shining example of this kind in the present times. This great mathematician physicist cum astrophysicist, despite being totally handicapped physically, has made remarkable contributions in unraveling the secrets of the cosmos. This distinguished professor at the Cambridge University, UK has derived certain scientific principles, which have given rise to striking changes and rethinking on the exiting theories of the origin and expansion of the universe and the existence of black holes.
The eminent scientist, now in his fifties, was diagnosed as suffering from ALS - a motor neuron disease about three decades ago, when he was a doctoral student. However, charmed by his intellect and moved by the aim of supporting him with love and care, a young British girl married him at that time. the couple was also blessed of three children. Dr Hawking's body had gradually paralyzed due to the deadly disease in the later years. His health continued to worsen gradually and he eventually lost his voice. His hands also paralyzed like his legs and further disabled his body. In spite of this tragedy, his mind remains engaged in rigorous research. Advanced technological instruments - including auto controlled wheel chair, computer aided voice synthesizer and brain signal decoder, had made it possible for other to comprehend his 'lectures' and discuss and collaborate with him.
Dr. Hawking's book "A Brief History of Time" has been a best seller and is recognized as the most lucid writing on the most difficult scientific topic… He is regarded as second Einstein of this century. The contributions of the supernatural mental functioning of his physically diseased brain in a disabled body make us rethink on the universality of the statement of healthy mind in a healthy body. His life is the most convincing evidence of the fact that the potentials of human-brain blossom beyond the barriers of physical fitness. they can be elevated and used in full capacity by a human being so long as his soul exists in the body, howsoever weak or hollow the latter may be.
Understand the value of time and utilize it in God's work. Bhagwan Mahakal ahs called you. He has called you for the purpose of solving the world's problems and for uplifting the wayward ones. He wants you to surrender yourself for these big tasks. If you do it, you will get tremendous satisfaction, cheer and honor. This is the testing time. If you have courage and your discretion directs you accordingly, then go ahead. Utilize your time in the big task of resurgence of the era. Your courage will prove its importance just as it proved for the legendary Hanuman and Arjun of yore and fulfilled them.
After reading this article if the desire arises in your heart for doing something for the uplift of society, nation, culture and removing the hardships troubling the society, then you can, ( through the medium of the following plans and projects) take part in the resurgence of the era.
1. The followers of the Gayatri mission have organized Yug Sena (the army of the era) locally for the purpose of playing active role for resurgence through seven revolutionary tasks. All the members of the Gayatri family a re requested that they organize men and women with revolutionary thinking and make them read this article and organics a group for the Yug Sena (the army of the era). For this purpose kindly get by post the form taking the pledge and the folder on how to organize, from Yug Nirman Yojan a, Mathura - 3. Detailed information on the 7 revolutionary tasks has been given in the Kranti visheshank (magazine's special issue on revolution). Read it yourself and make other read it.
2. The direction and inspiration for the activity for the seven revolutionary tasks reaches all the members of the Gayatri Mission, every month through the magazine. Therefore it is essential for the soldiers of 'the army of the era' to become members of the magazine. The sooner they become members, the quicker the spread of the revolutionary thinking in the society.
3. Those who have discharged their responsibilities to their families, those who have retired or whose eldest son now looks after the family-business, such persons should get organized and utilize this latter part of their lives for social-service, and send us a list of their names and addresses.
4. Spreading good thoughts to the common man is a great service in this era. The thinking of Yug Parivartan (transformation of the era) can be carried to every person in the society only through the medium of literature. "Shriram Jhola Pustakalaya" (i.e. Shriram shoulder-bag library) came into being after years of experience and has proved very successful for this purpose). All members of the Gayatri family should carry on this work according to their capacity. You can get free of cost the folders etc for this project by post.
We hope that you have found this book useful. It is your duty to carry the thoughts - which inspired you - to others, so that other too can get inspired to associate themselves with this great work. Therefore you are requested to donate money according to your capacity, or collect money from near ones, relatives and friends and order this booklet for distribution among maximum people. Kindly keep us informed about your efforts. We eagerly await your letters.
Time is available for everyone. Some people are able to understand the opportune time and some are able to see it. Those who see, understand and utilize it properly, only they get the benefit. Keep a part of the time for yourself and the rest of the time for the society, country, religion, public awareness and public welfare. This is the time of the confluence of two eras. The era is changing and soon another century will dawn. Sentimental people like you are very much required at this juncture. Everyone among us must involve himself with total will-power for the success of the above projects.
The Symptom of Success Gayatri from Sadhana is reflected in the following characteristics;
The body feels light and the mind becomes calmly enthusiastic.
A specific kind of smell starts coming from the body.
The skin becomes more smooth and tender.
There is aversion for Tamsik food and routine. The Sadhak gets inclined towards righteousness.
Selfishness gives way to selflessness and benevolence.
There is luster in his eyes.
He intuitively comes to right conclusions when he thinks about any person or any work.
He can read the feelings and thoughts of other persons.
He gets premonition about things which are going to happen in future.
He is endowed with divine capabilities to promote good and vanquish the forces of evil.
Those Sadhaks, who nurture with motherly care this divine power, enjoy a happy life. But persons who are devoid of sense of proportion and misuse their Siddhi for self-glorification get deprived of it and have ultimately to repent like a mother who losses her newly born baby due to her own foolishness.
Every student should feel that he is going through such an important phase in life that it will play a determining role in shaping his future. Student-life is the most useful and proper time for character-molding. The age of youth suffers from the peculiar malady called "Josh Dherai Tara Hosh cum" (i.e. too much strength and too little sense) and because of this malady it is very easy to be pulled by any attraction during growing years. During these years the youth is easily attracted by the thrill of undesirable activities and addictions. A wicked person creates situations of grief and sorrow for self and relatives and can lead only a hellish life. Personal welfare lies in adopting creative, gentlemanly, good activities. The possibilities for development lie in gentlemanly activities. If all the students lead a life of celibacy, simplicity, thrift, good use of time, fir, resolve, courage, labor, balanced mind, cheerfulness, politeness, virtue and gentlemanliness, then they will developinnumerable extra qualities, which will make for them a bright golden future.
Youth should control themselves: The youth of the new generation should not lead a life of indifference. The upcoming youth will have to play leading roles in the forthcoming days. The burden of leadership will be on their shoulders. All prosperity, progress, peace and goodwill depend on man's good qualities. Men with bad tendencies lose the wealth handed down to them whereas men with good qualities search our a thousand roads to progress even when they are in down-and-out situations.
Youth of cultured and developed nations are making sizable contributions to the stability and progress of their nations. Their activities are in creative directions. We should follow their example and make every effort for a bright future for Nepal.
By reforming ourselves, we should make an important contribution to the effort for 'Yug Parivartan' (transformation of the era). This is the demand of the times for the up-and-coming youth.
Revival of the pilgrim centre tradition: In the vast field of religious observance, great importance is given to 'teerth-yatra' (journey to pilgrim centers). It is mentioned in many scriptures that pilgrims get the benefit of being freed from their sins, attainment of virtue, attainment of heaven, liberation, benevolence of the deities etc.
All of us know the current ironical situation of pilgrimage-centre. There is neither faith in the pilgrims nor an opportunity to know and be inspired. There are no Rishis (Savants who have performed penance) nor any institution with an organization for learning atma-sadhana (self realization), for performing penance, for purification of self, for 'satsang' (meeting religious saints and scholars for discussion and discourse), consultation and advice, proximity of religious persons and donation to the deserving. In such circumstances, their importance is becoming foggy day-by-day and it is not surprising that the pilgrim returns tired, dejected and lacking in faith.
It is duty of all of us to remove the perversions, ironies and ostentation in religious traditions and pilgrimage centers and to revive philosophy. If this is done, then there is no reason why their fruits - as mentioned in scriptures - will be seen.
It is true that a being independent of the body lives through a body. At the moment of death, when life departs from the body, there is no change in the apparent physiology of the body. Nevertheless, the dead body immediately starts to decay and to putrefy emitting foul smell. Devoid of life (life in its essence is an integral part of the soul till it attains salvation), the body acquires an abhor-able state. It proves that although the being enlivens the body, it has an existence of its own, independent of the body. In parlance of spirituality, this separate entity is called ATMA (soul). This soul is our true identity. Your right answer to the question "Who am I?" is "I am that atma."
The real you is not the body.
Everyone intuitively knows that soul and body in a living being a re two separate entities and even in our speech we say: "My body" - signifying that 'I am the possessor of the body and not the body itself. Hardly anyone will doubt the separate existence of the soul. Whereas even a common man accepts this concept of differentiation in principle, his behavior reflects otherwise. Man behaves in such a manner as though he is inseparable from his body and the pains and pleasures of the body are his own (of the Real Self). A close observation of an individual's thoughts, speech and actions would show that all of these pertain exclusively to his identification with the body. He thinks, speaks and acts in terms of the body only. In other words when he says "I", he implies his body.
Body is the lodgments and temple of the soul. Hence it is proper as well as necessary to look after its health, cleanliness and upkeep, but it is erroneous and fallacious to identify oneself exclusively with the body - thus mistaking the residence for the resident. It is due to this false and mistaken identify that man loses sight of the real interest s of the soul - his true identity - and suffers the pangs of death, disease, separation in endless cycles of embodiments.
Interests of soul and body are different
Since soul and body are two separate entitles, their interests are also different. The requirements of the body are represented by the interests of the sensory organs. The ten organs of sense perceptions and actions and the eleventh mind are perpetually running outwards for gratification of their basic urges through the instrumentality of the body. The sensory urges are delicious food, stylish clothes, numerous things of beauty, beautiful women, melodious sounds and a variety of objects of comfort, pleasure and luxury. The mind on the other hand aspires for a high status in society, great wealth, widespread fame and authority. The entire life is thus spent in satisfying these insatiable hankerings of body and mind. When desires become cravings, the deluded person frantically tries to satisfy them by any means - fair or foul. This is the primary cause of all sinful activities.
A human being is superior to the other members of the animal kingdom because of his intelligence. The capability to think, to reason is indeed the greatest boon of the Almighty bestowed upon him. It is only by this power that he has deciphered and made best use of the resources of Nature, made great inventions, progressed remarkably on the worldly fronts and proved himself to be the crown prince of the Creator. It is ironical that this intelligent being has also proved himself as the biggest fool by mindless activities.
Look for example at the way most people weaken their physical and mental health by getting entrapped in endless sensual passions. In spite of being taught the reciprocating agony of sinful acts, so many of us don't discipline our thought and conduct and keepdoing what is unethical or not morally justified, as and when it suits our immediate requirements. The denial of everlasting peace for momentary gain and similar follies driven by greedy shortsightedness are so common in human life these days.Do these reflect any wisdom or maturity?
Being engrossed in perishable pleasures, being egotism and selfishness and ignoring the interests of the soul - the real self; ruining the future for mindless gains in the present; what kind of intelligence is this? These flaws are like throwing your own blood to color your toys. The earlier you realize this folly and stop it the better for you. So get up, understand what is really good for you forever, and adopt the wisdom worth the esteem of human life.
Why live An Aimless Life?
What is the objective of our life? Isn't it amazing that most of us remain unaware of it! Most people run after storing wealth and worldly resources, but for what purpose? For fulfillment of which need; when and how? Very few would be able to answer it correctly. If it were for comfort, security and joy, then there are many counter examples in this very world, which deny this assumption. In fact for most people it is nothing but following the trends. The same is true of most of our activities. We are just driven by our extrovert thinking and tendency of following others whom we regard as successful and happy. We don't even have time to pause and think about our own being. We have virtually become like a living machine, which thinks in a pre-set manner.
We are marching ahead fast but towards which goal? Where is the end of our life? We continue doing this life after life, without thinking about the purpose of the precious life. Why are be born? For what purpose the Almighty has sent us in the human form? Is our "self" is moving along the path of evolution of consciousness or are we entrapped in the oscillations between fall and rise in the endless cycle of life? How the "self" could be liberated from it and experience the ultimate bliss for which it is hunting since uncountable life times? We must ponder over these and search for the answers within ourselves.
Death is certain to occur any moment. So, why not make best use of the present for introspection & self-analysis? And strive for enlightenment!
The sublime world existing in your inner self is more real, important, vast and powerful than the world outside. No doubt the external circumstances and things affect us significantly; but more intense is the impact of our inner world. Other things, people or situations won't do that much good or bad to us as our own convictions, intrinsic faith and tendencies. The holy Bhagvad Gita preaches that human-self is the greatest friend as well as the mightiest enemy of itself. Indeed, no one can help you more than what you could to yourself by your virtues and good actions. Similarly, no one could harm you more than what your flaws, vices and evil tendencies would. The intrinsic nature of one self creates the inner world; the gross (external) world for one is only a reflection of this inner world. In the same circumstances, people experience the world differently as per their own attitude and expectations.