Thursday, February 3, 2011

Material Happiness

Meaning: According to the line of Rigved 10/31/2 — for those wishing material happiness and spiritual salvation, it would be proper to have truthful dealings in mind, speech and deeds and to be partners in good deeds. This is the only means of achieving permanent happiness.

Message: There is a very close relationship of mind, speech and deeds. Whatever thoughts that arise in our minds are expressed through speech and our deeds are in accordance with that. After that we have to bear the result (good or bad) of those deeds. The mind is supreme because it is in contact with the organs of sensation as well as organs of action. No organ can become active in any work without the cooperation of the mind.

Only with firm willpower it is possible to keep the highly mobile mind under control. This mind goes on wandering from moment to moment and the fundamental basis of spiritual life is to keep it ruthlessly at one spot. Concentration in and dedication for any work is not possible at all without keeping the mind under control. Only with the reins of the mind, do the organs come under control and wicked activities do not survive. In this way it becomes easy for men to discard faults and wicked tendencies, he gets saved form sinful acts and gains real spiritual knowledge by self study and 'satsang' (good moral company and study of scriptures) by making good use of time.

This true knowledge remains like an armor over the mind and prevents the entry of sinful tendencies. With the slightest weakness in this amour, sinful tendency enters the mind. With the company of excellent men and by listening to their lectures with respect, we can strengthen this armor and open up the road to success in life.

Tremendous alertness and carefulness is required for saving the mind from sinful tendencies. Man experience sweet thrill in sinful feelings. Those who save themselves from this temptation are saved from destruction.

When man obtains excellent knowledge by controlling his mind, then his speech is truthful and so also are his deeds. With good and truthful conduct only, the works for the welfare of the people are carried out and with that only, is God's grace achieved. to experience God, one's total mind has to be surrendered to God. Spiritual development is not at all possible without constant practice of trying to experience closeness with God and experiencing God's existence during every moment of one's life.

We are able to obtain true knowledge by controlling the mind through satsang, and through self-study as well as worship and spiritual endeavor but very quickly we wander away from our objective, lose whatever has been obtained and become unhappy.

For permanent happiness and salvation it is necessary that, believing in God as our witness, we always keep ourselves away from sinful deeds.

Some Facts

Be the Truth

The subject on which I meditate is truth. The practice to which I devote myself is the truth. The topic of my conversation is truth. My thoughts are always in truth. Lo and behold, I have become the truth.

Gautam Buddha

Meeting them, all filth is washed off, bathing in the pool of Truth, one becomes truthful, with intuitive ease.

Guru Govinda Singh

Truth is an experience, not a belief. Truth never comes by studying about it; truth has to be encountered, truth has to be faced.


What belongs to 'sat' or good people, is satyam of truthfulness.

Maha Narayana Upanishad

Truth is like all beautiful things in the world; it does not disclose its desirability except to those who first feel the influence of falsehood.

Kahlil Gibran

Art Matter

Red is a color I've felt very strongly about. May be red is a very Nepalese color, may be it's one of those things that one of those things that I grew up with and recognize at some other level.

Anish Kapoor

Art is not the application of a canon of beauty but what the instinct and the brain can conceive beyond any canon.

Pablo Picasso

An artist needn't be a clergyman or a church warden, but he certainly must have a warm heart for his fellow men

Vincent Van Gogh

Making films is not purely a business; it is an art form. It is unwise to follow Lakshmi in this business; that's the starting point. If you follow Saraswati, then Lakshmi will follow but if you follow Lakshmi, both willeave.

Aamir Khan

I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want to own.

Andy Warhol

Nothing has to be changed, because all is beautiful - that is enlightenment. All is as it should be, everything is perfect


What we call our joy; God calls our perfection. Each human being has come into the world with the message of perfection.

Sri Chinmoy

Your aim should be high and wide, generous and disinterested; this will make your life precious to yourself and to others. Whatever your ideal, it cannot be perfectly realized unless you have realized perfection in yhourself.

Sri Aurobindo

Spirituality of Married Life

Meaning: according to the line of Rigved 2/35/4 — those young men and young women should marry whose hearts are clean and pure. A man possessing physical strength should brighten his family by getting married.

Message: Born and brought up at two different places in two different families and in different atmospheres, an adult man and woman, although of different nature and different physical forms, fulfill the aim of life by joining in total unity. The real meaning of marriage is to end the separate identity of two different persons and to be dedicated to each other. Only by this dedication and harmony a joint authority develops which can be termed as 'two bodies, but with one soul (or one identity)'.

Marriage means not only a union of two bodies but also a union of two souls. This is a spiritual endeavor. The basis of spiritual progress is love. A man is an ideal man in proportion to the deep and pure love in his heart. Devotion means sentimental love for God and a devotee means a lover of God. The spiritual endeavor of love for God is to make our life full of the divine sentiment of love. Only love is God. The experience of God in a man's heart is expressed as a surge of love. The practical experience of this spiritual grandeur of love learnt in childhood is possible only in the laboratory of marriage life. Unique inseparable belonging and dedication for each other, faith, goodwill, equality and faithfulness makes the life full of love and warmth. A sense of belonging is a unique feeling. The one for whom this feeling develops, becomes very dear to us. The husband and wife do have human weaknesses and faults, but if, by understanding the aim of life, there is a mutual sense of belonging, dedication, unity and warmth, then the householder's life progress with joy. A man will automatically reform personal weaknesses and faults if he thinks 'nothing for me but everything for my life-partner'. Experiencing an inner love, both the husband and the wife, experience goodness at every moment.

To-day the people has forgotten the high aims and ideals of marriage which has now become a certificate for animalism of sex. Boys seek beautiful girls who will excite them so that their lust can become intense. Along with this the girls look for a moneyed boy so that along with sexual gratification, they also get luxury and comforts. People forget that the foundation for success of marriage is the mentality, culture and idealism of the life-partner. The principal aim of marriage is spiritual and with it the marriage life becomes happy and only then happiness, peace, prosperity and bright cheer reign in the family.

This is the spirituality of married life.

The Light of the Sun

Who has time nowadays for reflection? But it is only by devoting a bit of time to this activity can we explore awareness of being, oneness with universal spirit and celebration of a healthy and happy life.

We need light to show us the way that can take us towards the higher Self. What could be a better path-shower than what is referred to as the 'Living God'? The sun? The sun is perceived as the co-creator and sustainer of life on earth.

The sun's rays blend with our aura to enrich receptiveness of cosmic energy and guidance. This universal light force can be used in the ongoing process of cleaning, balancing, healing and evolving. This can create conditions that can enable us to be more positive, aware and sensitive and take initiative while driving away negative emotions.

What needs our attention most, according to Sri Surya Jowel (sooryaji) is the effort to elevate our mind and transform our lifestyle. "For this we require a light and energy source that can reach the dark corners of our mind and reveals to us life in its true perspective. And what could be better than the living energy source of the entire solar system, the sun?

This cosmic energy imbibed through eyes at sunrise (sooryoyog) can heal, elevate and transform us, which in turn can bring about shift in perception for a better world. We create our own surroundings.

Sunlight is nature's gift to mankind. We need the sun to survive and to be healthy in body and mind. The rays of the sun contain seven different colors which correspond to our energy centers or chakras. Unique vibration of each color in the rays of the sun can be used as tools for healing physical, psychological and spiritual ills.

Each of these chakras is related to a basic element. The mooladhar (basic chakra), the earth element, is red. The swadesthan (sex) chakra is orange with water as its element, and fire is associated with the manipura, the solar plexus. The color of anahat or heart chakra relating to air element is blue, the visudhas or throat element is either. The color of the third eye or ajna chakra, the forehead, is indigo - the light element while sahasrar or crown chakra, violet, signifies pure awareness. Thus when we take in sunlight at down, these chakras or subtle energies help to balance and promote healing physical, emotional and spiritual.

The earth receives the highest degree of positive energy at sunrise. At that point of time the human organism is most receptive towards solar energies. In fact, an hour before sunrise, solar energies exert positive psychological influence on the cells of the body, as they refresh and invigorate them. The sun's rays improve digestion and enhance nutrition, quicken blood circulation, facilitate elimination of impurities through skin, and make bone structure stronger. Sunlight lifts one out of depression and thereby helps to elevate the mind.

Sun can bring about transformation in body, mind and spirit that well could be gradual but a fulfilling experience ultimately. "As within, so without" - sooryayog is all about discovering Sakha, your Atma Soorya or the inner sun that could be your best friend.

The Prime Mover of Life

The ground state or vacuum state is an inexhaustible field of creativity, energy, orderliness and intelligence: Literally a field of all possibilities. Everything in the universe - animate and inanimate - emerges from this quantum mechanical level. It is the total potential of Natural Law. All of the innumerable laws of nature the impulses of nature's intelligence responsible for governing all diverse tendencies in the universe, are found here. This same field of nature's unlimited potential can be located within each individual at the source of thought, the most settled state of one's awareness. Acting from this level of pure consciousness, one inherits the infinite organizing power of natural law, making all power of natural law, making all things easy of attainment.

Imagine a wave on the sea. Even a very big wave has limitations; it is only this high and that wide. Now imagine that wave settling down, until it merges with the sea. Its value then assumes the unlimited, infinitely more powerful status of the sea. The wave, which was bound before, has gained boundlessness.

The mind is capable of the same settling down, or transcending process. During Maharshi's Transcendental Meditation ™, the waves of thought 'retire' to the source of thought. The word 'transcend' means to go beyond; "Meditation" refers to thinking. During TM the mind experiences progressively less excited states of thought until one transcends thought completely to arrive at its source. The agitated, limited value of thought gains the unlimited status of Being, the silent depth of the ocean of consciousness.

Transcending thought is as effortless as thinking. The mind is like a body of water; choppy on the surface, silent and stable at its depth. When we experience only the 'noisy' surface level of thinking, difficulties abound. If we could anchor the surface mind to its vacuum state - if we could enliven the stability inherent at the depth of consciousness - we would be insulated from 'the winds of change'.

In the Bhagavad Gita (2.48) Krishna says; 'Yogasthah kuru karmani': - Established in yoga or pure consciousness, perform actions. Here the mind is most powerful, most effective. 'Yogah karmasu kaushalam' (2.50): Yoga is skill in action. From this level we "do less and accomplish more". The growth of inner silence is the basis of spiritual unfolding and material success.

Consciousness is the prime mover of life. Everything we do depends on the quality of our consciousness. If your mind is sleepy, agitated, or negative, then everything you perceive. Speak or do reflect that incoherence. But if your consciousness is orderly, fresh and alert, the world appears much different. Knowledge is different in different states of consciousness. When you wear red tinted glasses everything appears red and when you wear green tinted glasses everything appears green, The Vedas say that knowledge is structured in consciousness. The world is as we are. If you are anchored to the silent, blissful state of consciousness, everything you do becomes joyful. Maharshi summarizes simply, "Handle that one thing - consciousness - by which everything else is handled".