Friday, March 12, 2010

See Good Spread Good

What we think, see, hear and adopt in our conduct shapes our inner personality. Our ambience or the external world we live in, affects us as per our attachment and inclination towards it. Whatever we like or feel more attracted for, directly or implicitly influences us more. Repeated occurrences of the same gradually enhance the intensity or this influence and eventually "transform" us accordingly.
One, who cultivates the attitude of seeing the good that indwells in everything, is influenced only by good impressions. As a result, good qualities rise in him waning out the traces of malice, jealousy, selfishness, negative ambitions, etc. Seeing good, feeling good, doing good become the natural instincts of his being.
Goodness is like a magic-stone "Paras" which converts everything that touches it into "gold" (good). It is like a power generator which spread the currents of morality everywhere around. True beauty and soothing joy pervade around the intense core of goodness. The good habit of seeing good protects and magnifies your morality as well as the beauty of your inner self and also helps spreading of goodness. Greater the expansion of goodness, righteousness, discreetness in this world, the nearer would be the dawn of the Era of Truth Here.

Present circumstances Are Our Own Creation
We do commit mistakes and also try to rectify. Many of us think that committing mistakes is part of human nature. But that is correct only in terms of the body and mind. The soul, the origin of our existence, is beyond this nature. It never commits any mistake and is absolutely free from the tendencies of sin. Its eternal nature is experienced in the expression of our consciences. Our conscience warns us against every bad or wrong thought or deed. It reflects intrinsic peace for the good and righteous conduct and thinking. We may neglect or suppress its inner voice, but that wrong perturb its divine nature. It will always be devoted for absolute truth and purity; no craving, no evils, no fear, no torture, could ever reach it.
Our real self is the soul and not the body or mind. We should therefore awaken and realize our divine origin. Think and do things worth our dignity as the crown child of God. The awareness and prudent attitude of purity about our own self will orient our mind, its tendencies towards purity, towards the path chosen by great personalities.
We, as humans have been granted full liberty in choosing our actions. But we should know that we alone ought to face the consequences too. The circumstances prevailing today are our own creations, before blaming any one else me must remind ourselves that we only owe the responsibility to change them for the better.

Disseminate the Light of Spirituality
Many people wonder at how I could write so much on so many topics without having any formal education? Many are amazed at what they regard as my sacramental intelligence. I do not know how much of that is true; I can only tell you that - what you regard as super natural is in fact a natural outcome of inner awakening. The seed of supreme intelligence is hidden in each one of you - deep within your mind and heart.
Most of my Sadhana is devoted to enlighten the human intellect, eliminate the cause of misery that has widely spread in the world today, mainly because of ignorance and fallacious thinking. The sublime force and light of spirituality realized by me is expressed in my thoughts, in my writings to reach you all.
Pt. Sriram Sharma Acharya

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