Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Layer of the Mind

According to the most ancient ideas of Yoga and the most modern theories of physics, existence is not a single reality but a continuum of several interpenetrating layers of being, ranging from the coarsest and densest - the physical - through various layers of mind, to the final one called "spirit". As one moves up the continuum, the layers become finer and subtler. Yogis have divided the levels of mind - in between body and spirit - into five layers of Kosas. In each succeeding layer, there is a more joyful and expanded awareness; the higher layers contain vast reservoirs of energy and knowledge, and exert a subtle influence over the lower ones.
Beyond all the five layers of each individual mind is the realm of "spirit" or infinite consciousness, the pure Self within. In this state of perfect peace, beyond any vibration or manifestation, all conflicts and contradictions of the lower mind dissolve … her all is One. When one attains this state, even for a moment, one's entire existence is flooded with inexpressibly joy. This is the goal of Yoga and the goal of life. To elevate the mind through higher and higher layers until one realizes the infinite, blissful Self within.
But average human beings do not realize the profoundest levels of their innermost self; they experience only the lower two layers of mind - the conscious and subconscious - because the surface restlessness of these shallower layers prevents them from going beyond. Occasionally, however, some individuals penetrate through these turbulent lower levels and touch for a moment the subtler, all-knowing super conscious mind. In a flash, they have startling experiences of mental telepathy, or "see" the future, or feel a rush of ecstasy as the boundaries of their egos dissolve and they merge into the all embracing oneness. But the glimpse into the Beyond is dissolved.
Only very few individuals throughout history have made sustained efforts to reach and remain in this super conscious state and have realized its glory and power; and still fewer have realized their true Selves. Most have merely flailed about on the surface of their minds, tossed by desire and pain, utilizing only a fraction of their true potential, living less than half lives in ignorance and confusion. Thus, the sages taught, "You know nothing of yourself here and in this state. You are like the wax in the honeycomb: what does it know of fire? When it gets to the stage of the wax en candle, and when light is emitted, then it knows. Similarly, you will know that when you were alive you were dead, and only thought yourself alive."

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