Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Where is God

The element of religion can't be found in the mirage of rituals, cults or communal doctrines and rites. If you are true seeker, want to adopt religion in the truest sense, you must first introspect and sincerely analyze your aspirations, interests, habits and behavior to whether and to what extent these might trouble or hurt others or hinder their justified rights ….. You must restrain and curtail the tendencies of selfish possession, passions for sensual pleasures and ruthlessness and insensitivity to others. Simultaneously, the altruistic tendencies and sentiments of kindness, generosity, love; amity, feeling of service, sharing and cooperation should be cultivated and enhanced consistently. The only measure of one's religiousness is - the less one's selfishness and the more his/her altruism, the greater is his/her religiousness and spirituality. It is only through this path of religiousness that the individual self realizes higher realms of divine grace and salvation.

The major cause of all misery, adversities and sufferings in the world is that - knowingly or unknowingly, people do not behave with others in a manner, which they expect and like others to behave. This disparity of - "different weight used in the same balance for being and for selling" is the root of all mistrusts, conflicts and animosity. Ego, avarice and selfishness make one blind and debauch from the pa th of religion. If you do what your conscience would not allow, or what you would not like someone else doing to you, then you are committing a sin. So be vigilant towards your ambitions, attitude and actions.

Many of us feel an inner urge to find God. We also make several attempts, but find no clues .HE is said to be Omnipresent, so HE should be everywhere? Then why despite our devoted efforts, we can't find him anywhere? Some people spend lot of wealth and all their time in religious rituals and activities aimed at HIS search but remain in the void. Some get frustrated and lose faith in HIS existence. Who is right? What is the truth?

Well, the universal fact is - God is Eternal, Omnipresent. The flaw is in your approach. You can't find him by worldly attempts or by any ascetic means either. It is only a pure heart full of love that can feel and find God. Learn to love the soul, love every one, every thing around you. You don't have to renounce the world and go to the forests or high mountaintops, or spend time and resources in any sacrament to experience HIS light. HE is everywhere, so rest assured, HE is also near you, within you. Where? Within your soul. Have you ever bothered to listen to the voice of your soul? No! This is why you are not able to experience God.

Just think, who governs your life force, who inspires auspicious sentiments or motivate you for noble deeds? Whose voice is that which warns you against doing something wrong or harming someone? You may ignore that inner voice. But that is the voice of God indwelling in your inner self. It is only in the deeper depths of your own self that you can find HIM.

You Hold the Key to Perfect Life

What could be more abominable and disdainful than a human life spend like that of bees or dogs buzzing and sticking around the rubbish of sinful tendencies or running madly in greed to lick the dirt of sensual lust. That ascent or "success" of human life is useless and scornful which grows like a tree of dates, offering no shadow or shelter to anyone. What to say of the prosperous life, which is spent like a snake in guarding the possessions, which is all the time occupied in fulfilling selfish ambitions? They are really pitiable who are ignorant and waste the precious opportunity of being born as humans - which even gods aspire to attain… Their acts are like selling invaluable pearls for mere pieces of colored glass and shining stones. The will have nothing but the sufferings of the sins and flaws and repenting in the end….

So, awaken "O" human being, and recognize the greatness of your life. Live a life worth its dignity; do something that leaves out glorious marks being you, which others could follow with grace. Do something, which could provide some light to the future generations. Truthfulness, honesty, loving and kind attitude, benevolence, tolerance, firmness, fairness, self-retrain, are the virtues of humanity which every human being could adopt irrespective of his or her intellectual level or social circumstances etc. These are the real treasure, real beauty and real honors of human life.

"We are there where destiny has brought us… What to do our fate is written badly; every one is against us, no circumstances favor us or do any good to us. It is our ill omen… etc" - the thoughts of this kind are worse than what adversities or bad luck could be. this kind of thinking reflects one's lack of faith in his own potentials, his infirmity, ignorance lethargy, or cowardice. this kind of negative thinking has ruined many lives….

You should have faith in your soul. This will help you cultivate the seeds of courage, optimism and vivacity in your inner spirit. Don't sit idle; even cleaning the house or arranging things in order is a good work to change your moods. Begin with small, short-time resolution and apply all your energy and efforts to accomplish them; this will boost your morale drastically and pave the way for greater endeavors.

It is only you who could make yourself happy. When you think and attempt for inner content and happiness, it indeed rejuvenates your mind. On the contrary, when you are anguished or frustrated, everything around, all circumstances appear depressing and unfavorable. This state of mind evaporates your vital energy and zeal and hampers your self-confidence without you noticing it.

Think positively; think of power, love goodwill and inner strength. Look at the lives of the great personalities, the intrepid worriers, capabilities to eliminate your poverty, your weakness and adversities, you only need to recognize this fact and change your attitude and routine accordingly.

Improve the State of Your Life

Getting rid of habits is almost an impossible task for most people. These seem to become stronger with time and carry tremendous force of attraction. One gets driven by his old habits. The magnetic force of one's tendencies attracts compatible thoughts, friends, circumstances and things, which further strengthen the corresponding habits. Habits thus expand their roots and eventually influence one's intrinsic character too.

The firm roots of old habit don't let the seed of new ones, of different nature, grow. … One therefore fails in adopting new, better habits and loses hopes of improvement. This is not the right approach. If you were to uproot an old habit, you must first understand that it is only you who had sown it; it is because of your inclination, interest and long term practice that it became a part of your nature. It will require at least half the time to weaken it; so have patience and continue your efforts of uprooting it by the carrot and stick approach.

Be alert! Warn and punish yourself for repeating it and at the same time divert your interest towards the new, improved creative activities. Encourage and reward your mind for every success in this attempt. Change your routine, change your company and most importantly change your attitude and thoughts. Ponder over elevated thoughts; confidence and zeal to upbeat your strive and prepare the grounds for inculcation of virtuous habits.

If you vow to refine and elevate your thinking and thereby transform the inner domains of your life, the status of your external life will also ascend. Gradually you will attain all your deserving goals successfully and gracefully.

If you are entrapped by the mental aberrations and weaknesses like anger, anxiety, jealous, greed, or depression, etc, you should forget about achieving something worth in life. You should first overcome these deficiencies of your mind and have sound health and mental and physical activity.

Always think positively. Think about making the best use of whatever you have, rather than complaining or worrying about what you don't have. the system of Nature is such that whatever you possess - be that wealth, children, resources, post, etc - that will be cease to be yours if you ignore, neglect or misuse it. Once you review and understand your strengths and weaknesses and then analyze your expectations with respect to your circumstances and ponder over them, your trenchant thoughts would themselves pave the way for your rise and progress.

Think High, Aim High

Great personalities always appeal and motivate people in their contact to give something for noble causes. They themselves sacrifice everything they had. This is what makes them great. Through pondering over this fact has taught me that there is no religious duty greater than giving or sacrificing (for others welfare), which we can do any time (provided we have the will and attitude). There is no better mode than renunciation (of selfish possessions and attachments) for elimination of evil tendencies and untoward accumulation in the mind.

If you want to acquire precious knowledge, attain people's respect, achieve something great, and then first learn to give what best you can for the society, for altruistic service. Donate your talents, intellect, time, labor, wealth, whatever potentials or resources you have for the betterment of the world …; You will bet manifold of that in return ….. Gautam Buddha had renounced the royal throne; Gandhi had left the brilliant career, wealth, comforts….. As the world has witnessed, what they were rewarded in return was indeed immeasurable, immortal….

It is worth recalling the beautiful verse of renowned poet Rabindranath Tagore her, which says - He spread his hands open an asked for something …. I took out a tiny piece of grain from my bag and kept on His palm. At the end of the day, I found a golden piece of same size in my bag. I cried - why didn't empty my bag for Him, which would have transformed me, the poor man into a King of Wealth?

You may get clay toys with ease. But it's not so easy to find gold. The tendencies of mind are often downwards and naturally drag it towards harmful actions and sins. However, it requires substantial efforts and zeal to carry out something worth, auspicious and beneficial. For example, the natural flow of water is from higher to lower levels, but the use of powerful pumps etc is required to take it upwards.

Sensual passions, ignorance-driven ambitions, untoward thoughts are hidden enemies that delude the mind of giving pleasure' but enslave it in a vicious trap. Likewise the gravitational force of the earth, they also have some kind of power of attraction, which pulls more and more tendencies and thoughts of similar kind.

But, the same is true of positive sane thoughts, aspirations and determination as well; they also attract the likes and create more powerful field of attraction. Once we awaken the will and vigilance to think wisely and practice restraining the accumulated passions, we will begin to experience the transforming effects. Unchecked accumulation of negative thoughts and vices sooner or later leads to decline, anxiety, despair and sinful sufferings. We should therefore be careful and watch and control our thoughts fro this very moment.

The only sources of inner joy

You Are standing In the Middle

You are standing in the middle of the cosmic layer of God's creation. At the higher realms are the great saints, Siddhas, angles and incarnations of divine powers. Beneath your level of existence are the animals, birds, insects and lower organisms. Those above are enjoying in the divine paradise and those below are suffering in various forms. You, the human being are the only one allowed to share both the joy and the pains. You are also the only one privileged with the freedom of action to transform your fate accordingly. It's up to you whether you want to move your fife-course downwards or upwards and destine its devolution to the lower, beastly forms or evolution to beatified, illumined states ……...

If you chose to decline then don't care for anything. Just eat rest and live for sensual joys. Earn these joys by whatever means -ethical or unethical. It's really easy to fall down. You can spend all your stock of good omen for petty pleasures or drain it out by adopting heinous actions. But then there will be nothing but repenting and darkness…..

If you want to rise high on the celestial scale of evolution of your life, you will have to distinguish between the right and the wrong, truth and false, fair and unfair, and choose the righteous path of wisdom and ideals. Climbing up on the higher mountains is harder, but then your endeavors will lead to greater achievements in the end. If you bear hardships for adoption of high ideals, you are indeed elevating your life towards brighter ends.

You are the architect of your future destiny. Life is momentary. So don't miss any instant of this precious opportunity. You are in the middle. You can see both ways upwards and downwards and select the future course of your life prudently.

God has set a marvelous interdependence within and between the conscious and the inanimate components of Nature in order to maintain the eternal beauty and harmonious functioning of His grand creation. The uncountable numbers of stars and planets revolving in the limitless Universe are mutually connected by natural forces of attraction. Any break in this connectivity would disturb the maintained equilibrium and stability and result in gigantic collision and devastation of the universal system. The same is true of the mutual affinity of the living beings. Just imagine! If a mother does not have a feeling of love or affection for her child, or there is no binding of love between husband and wife, brother and brother, and other family members, then what will be the state of family institution? Lack of the feelings of affectionate caring, amity, cooperation, etc would ruin the entire social system as the latter is founded on these sentiments and consequent unity of its members. Dry-hearts and cruelty would destroy the sense of beauty from Nature.

A sublime spring of pure love is flowing deep within every heart. If we like to be happy, and prosper in an ambience of peace, we will have to awaken the feeling of love in our heart; this should not be an emotional excitement, rather, a feeling of compassion, generosity, honesty, humility, sensitivity, care and respect for others. Those who adopted this divine attitude on every front of their life are truly religious and followers of God. The world reciprocates to them accordingly. Every moment, every circumstance is auspicious for them.

Who Do You Worship - The Divine or the Devil?

Man misidentifies himself as the physical body. Although he has herd something like 'he has a soul that is different from the body' but does not quite believe it or is not even able to imagine it. If most of us were not living under this illusion about unity of the self with the living body, this land (Nepal) of great Rishis would not have become home to vast spread corruption and confusion. It was this sacred land where Lord Krishna had preached Bhagvad Gita to Arjun and reminded him that he is not the body. As we have totally forgotten this fact and never bother to know about our own "self", how could we know the Omnipresent Self, the God?

We are living in a state of utter ignorance and darkness. Whatever suits our deluded convictions or convinces our selfish intellect that has become the definition of God for us. It is like considering a rope to be a snake because of lack of light. Indeed the rope resembles the shape of a snake and both would look alike if kept at a dark place. But as we all know they are not the same. It is only our illusion because of which we might confuse one with the other. It is a pity that this is what we the 'intelligence beings' have done to-day by regarding the devil as the divine.

Its time we awaken and ponder over our reality. We should attempt to realize that - the soul is sublime; it is not perceivable by the body or the materialistic means.

The Roots of Fulfillment

Most thinkers, philosophers of the world opine that self-evolution is a natural desire, and tendency of every living being. In fact this is what lies behind one's quest for progress and joy. . All efforts, all competitions and struggles for worldly possessions, sensual pleasures, ego-satisfaction emanate from this root-cause in the deepest depth, through we don's realize it because of our extrovert attitude and illusions of letting the worldly substances and circumstances as the keys to a treasure of joy.

One earns money with hard work and keeps saving it to get more and more why? Because he 'feels' it like a source of joy. But the same fellow might spend his savings in gorgeous arrangements of his child's marriage? Why? Because that might give him a 'feeling' of greater pleasure of making his child happy or gaining prestige in the society or what not ….! A dacoit risks his life in bringing huge wealth in loot, but what does he do of it? He might just throw it in drinking liquor; because for him that might appear to be a greater source of pleasure than saving the money or using it some other ways. If the savings are consumed in religious aims or treatment of a disease, one does not feel so bad as one would, if the same amount was lost due to burglary. So what we see common in all these examples and perhaps in every action of our life is that one opts for what he or she feels or thinks as more satisfying, although this satisfaction or joy might be just circumstantial, illusory and short-lived. Deeper thinking would indicate that the root of this quest for joy or fulfillment lies beneath the sublime core of eternal quest of the self for ascent, for betterment, for unbounded evolution … Then we would then attempt for the absolute unalloyed bliss, ultimate fulfillment.

Throw Away All Fears from Your Mind

Getting scared is not a natural tendency of human self. Your soul is absolutely free. It is only your mind, which has created all sorts of fears, worries, sorrows and what not. It is up to you whether to make your inner world ghostly and abominable by such negative tendencies or transform it into a living paradise pervaded with fearlessness, vivid zest, and illumined faith. No one can harm or help you if you awakened yourself. if you want, you can really be strong and free from all worries and fears. Remember again and again that it is your own good or bad thoughts, virtuous or evil tendencies and discerning or confused intellect that 'create' your auspicious or ill omen

Even a slightest instinct of fear or worry disturbs your mental peace. Your thoughts then tend to revolve around its imaginary cause. It expands with greater intensity unless you awaken, firmly decide and uproot and throw it out from your mental field. Better do it now itself and keep away from all such negative feelings. Fight out and eradicate the demons of all fears and worries by the might of inner strength and self-confidence. Think of yourself as the immortal soul, the smog of all weaknesses and apprehensions will disappear with the dawn of self-recognition.

Accept Your Flaws

Whenever one commits a mistake he instantly feels a shock in the inner self. But the next moment his (extrovert) conscious mind comes into action and advices to ignore and hide it because there will insult, penalty or some other unpleasant experience if others come to know about it… This idea further accrues lame excuses, false arguments and triggers him find ways to somehow protect himself and allege someone else for whatever wrong has been done.

But this is the beginning of a vicious cycle. Hiding a flaw even for once induces a tendency to do so again and again. This gradually becomes habit and one stops caring for what is wrong and what is not. The mist of falsehood darkens and weakens his inner self and cultivates sinful tendencies.

Confessing for own weakness or misdeeds in fact shows one's spiritual courage and inner purity. So, if one accepts his own flaws or apologizes for whatever wrong he has committed, he would elevate his dignity. This is a brave act. It enhances one's inner strength. With same strength, one should vow not to repeat such mistakes. Doing this will gradually refine him and accelerate his progress along the righteous path of progress on the worldly as well as spiritual fronts.

The Secret of Human Dignity

Of all the creatures, human being alone is gifted with the liberty to choose the path of evolution or decline as per his will and actions. This is why human species is termed as the crown prince of the Supreme Creator.

Your weaknesses and vices are only temporary diversions or mutations. Your original nature is pure, as you, a human being, are a part of the divine self. You can restrain and remold every habit, every desire as per your resolutions. God will inspire your will and courage once your individual self determines to evolve. Then why do you live like a slave of your senses or worldly circumstances? Don't you want to live a life of self-respect and freedom? If yes, then be self-dependent. Never think yourself as poor or deprived. Let your self-confidence awaken and recognize its inner strength.

If you have faith in the Almighty, you should not care for people's criticism or scorn. If you are on the path of enlightenment, the grace of God will always be with you. Instead, if you like to please others, you will end up losing your own happiness and still they will remain discontent. The more you please the world the greater will be its demand.

One who recognizes the power of the soul, who is duty-bound and makes honest and best use of his natural potentials, is wise. He marches ahead along the path of greatness worth the dignity of the crown prince of God.

Focus At Your Goal

If you really want to be happy and successful in life, begin with setting up your goals. All your thoughts, activities, aspiration should be motivated by this main purpose. Be like a Arjun of the Mahabharata; he used to see nothing except the focused target of his bow. Concentrate upon yourself; analyze your present status, capabilities, and qualities with respect to what is necessary for accomplishing what you aim for. Don't look at what others are doing, their abilities, circumstances, objectives, may be quite different from yours. For example, being impressed by a good singer, you can't jump over to music unless you have natural inclinations towards it and you can pursue long-term training and dedicated practice required for mastering it.

Remember! Being focused at the target does not mean only its imagination and daydreaming. It simply implies that your efforts and your activities should revolve around the chosen objective. This means greater efforts and more work rather than only planning and thinking….. Once you chose the correct direction, don't deviate. Work hard with patience and enthusiasm; enjoy it without any fear, desperation, or despair. It will take you to the desired goal at an accelerated pace.

Focusing the mind and deeds at a prudent goal and being engrossed in it is among the preeminent qualities of elevated personalities. Concentration of mind with willpower at a chosen aim plays wonders. This is the secret of all magnificent achievements and historic successes.

Support Of Divinity

It is certainly not a sign of matured intellect to waste this precious life in the fulfilling the greed of the senses. Ironically, majority is driven today by this folly. Despite knowing the fact that "following the crowd leads one nowhere", many of the blind traditions and customs are part of our lives simply because of social backing. Look for example, at the artificialness and the tendency of showoff, gorgeous celebrations on social occasions, etc which has become common observation in today's society, in spite of virtually burying many families under debt and spreading corruption…… The tendency of grabbing and possessing more is like filling the tummy of sick child with the sweets he likes and thus inviting his untimely death.

Following the majority trends today will only expand absurdity and cruelty. Don't you see that? Avarice, sensual lust, ego and selfishness, etc, are devils tendencies, which have challenged the very existence of humanity.

The support of divinity is essential for the survival and evolution of mankind. Most of us worship God in various forms, but the light of divinity remains far beyond…. How can we adopt divinity and have its support if we don't even bother to follow what we pray for or what are the teachings of our devotional chants? What the Gayatri Mantra conveys? It reminds us of the preeminent radiance of pure intellect, divine virtues that are indwelling everywhere, within each one of us; it calls us to awaken and follow the illumined path of righteousness, enlightened wisdom.

Elixir Of Divine Life

The span of life is limited and time is flying with tiniest fraction of every moment….. The thralldoms of the world fill it with misery because of one's ignorance. You should uproot this cause of agonies and enjoy the elixir of immortal, divine life.

There is a state of consciousness, which rests in eternal peace and absolute joy. There is no lust, no avarice, no worries, no fears, no sufferings, no pains and no death there. Would you not like to experience this blissful state of divine beatitude? Then you first change your attitude; follow the path of spirituality.

Spirituality is not an imaginary whim or emotional excitement. It is the source of soul knowledge, ultimate realization and beatifying, everlasting bliss.

Considering the body as the self and discarding the eternity of the soul is a sinful delusion. It drags you to fall in the trap of sensual avarice and irreversible decline. You should therefore recognize your true identity. Restrain your senses and mental agility. Purify your inner self. Inculcate virtuous tendencies. Love your true self, your life, your soul. Meditate every day upon the soul-reality. Seek and adopt the light of spirituality.

See Good Spread Good

What we think, see, hear and adopt in our conduct shapes our inner personality. Our ambience or the external world we live in, affects us as per our attachment and inclination towards it. Whatever we like or feel more attracted for, directly or implicitly influences us more. Repeated occurrences of the same gradually enhance the intensity or this influence and eventually "transform" us accordingly.

One, who cultivates the attitude of seeing the good that indwells in everything, is influenced only by good impressions. As a result, good qualities rise in him waning out the traces of malice, jealousy, selfishness, negative ambitions, etc. Seeing good, feeling good, doing good become the natural instincts of his being.

Goodness is like a magic-stone "Paras" which converts everything that touches it into "gold" (good). It is like a power generator which spread the currents of morality everywhere around. True beauty and soothing joy pervade around the intense core of goodness. The good habit of seeing good protects and magnifies your morality as well as the beauty of your inner self and also helps spreading of goodness. Greater the expansion of goodness, righteousness, discreetness in this world, the nearer would be the dawn of the Era of Truth Here.

Present circumstances Are Our Own Creation

We do commit mistakes and also try to rectify. Many of us think that committing mistakes is part of human nature. But that is correct only in terms of the body and mind. The soul, the origin of our existence, is beyond this nature. It never commits any mistake and is absolutely free from the tendencies of sin. Its eternal nature is experienced in the expression of our consciences. Our conscience warns us against every bad or wrong thought or deed. It reflects intrinsic peace for the good and righteous conduct and thinking. We may neglect or suppress its inner voice, but that wrong perturb its divine nature. It will always be devoted for absolute truth and purity; no craving, no evils, no fear, no torture, could ever reach it.

Our real self is the soul and not the body or mind. We should therefore awaken and realize our divine origin. Think and do things worth our dignity as the crown child of God. The awareness and prudent attitude of purity about our own self will orient our mind, its tendencies towards purity, towards the path chosen by great personalities.

We, as humans have been granted full liberty in choosing our actions. But we should know that we alone ought to face the consequences too. The circumstances prevailing today are our own creations, before blaming any one else me must remind ourselves that we only owe the responsibility to change them for the better.

Disseminate the Light of Spirituality

Many people wonder at how I could write so much on so many topics without having any formal education? Many are amazed at what they regard as my sacramental intelligence. I do not know how much of that is true; I can only tell you that - what you regard as super natural is in fact a natural outcome of inner awakening. The seed of supreme intelligence is hidden in each one of you - deep within your mind and heart.

Most of my Sadhana is devoted to enlighten the human intellect, eliminate the cause of misery that has widely spread in the world today, mainly because of ignorance and fallacious thinking. The sublime force and light of spirituality realized by me is expressed in my thoughts, in my writings to reach you all.

Pt. Sriram Sharma Acharya

Proper Use of Life

Most part of human life is largely spent in - eating, sleeping and being engaged in sensual passions and pleasures, or worrying, fearing or fighting etc. Almost all the time and efforts are centered round the body and the activities and people associated with it. But is that all the purpose for which the human life is bestowed? If the domain of life is confined to activities related with the body, its protection, fulfillment of its instinctive desires, then what is the difference between human and animals?

Human are the most evolved and intelligent beings. Greater responsibilities are also entrusted along with this superior among us, who do not bear the responsibilities of human life, are not worthy of the dignity of being called humans.

Eradication of evils, vices, wrongs, sufferings and agonies and establishment of the righteous, expansion of the enlightened values of humanity is the main purpose of human life. All the great talents, skills, abilities and powers which Nature has endowed us with are for the betterment of the world, for the welfare of all. So you must try your level best to help others, elevate them. No doubt, you should take care of your health, excelling of your own potentials, your near and dear ones, but your duties should not end there. What ever time and resources you have must also be shared for altruistic service of the needy around you; the society should also benefit by your talents and powers. The greater your altruistic contributions, the better would the use and brighter world be the glory of your life.

A Simple Sadhana of Gayana Yoga

Good name and fame, power, prosperity, high qualification, talents, reputed status, are regarded as measures of achievements in worldly life. These are all fruits of the tree of knowledge. You can't earn worldly success or excel without knowledge - be that in the form of awareness, information, education, skilled training, sane experience or inner light. Dissemination of knowledge for the enlightened welfare of others is the highest kind of donation. Feeding a needy with few meals would serve only temporary help; the lasting help path that will lead to his self-dependence and respectful future.

A disease might be treated by a medicine prescribed by a doctor. But one can't survive on medicine or tonics all the time for vigorous health. If you want to sustain good health, you will have to have and use the knowledge of preventive care and maintaining stamina etc. Only the spark of knowledge could uproot avarice, desperation, tension, apprehension, sorrow, and other mental weaknesses and psychological complaints, which make our lives burdensome. All the prosperity and might of the world together cannot control these complexities; rather they tend to augment the vices and worries in the absence of proper knowledge. True knowledge alone is the key to peace and happiness in this life and the life beyond. This mortal being, into great personalities. There is no better aims, no better gift then knowledge.

The World is Mirrior

Your world is a mirror of what you are. If you are good the world you experience well also be good. If you are happy, you will find the world happy. On the contrary the same world would appear sorrowful to you if you were sad. So the state of your world is 'relative'; it varies according to your mood, your attitude….

If you cultivate a happy temperament, even the hardships would appear to you as tests to examine your capabilities, opportunities to let you increase and improve your potentials and excel further in the march of life. You will this way transform all your adversities into means of progress….

This spiritual attitude will eventually empower you to solve others' problems as well. Achieving this is like accomplishing a grandtapa, which requires tolerance, sacrifice and penance with unflinching zeal; but this, whatever be the state your mind today, your circumstances today, try attitude to inspire positive thoughts, peace of mind and happiness in you. Sincere attempt and practice will induce greater strength and courage and gradually make you master of your world and successful in materialistic as well as spiritual ascent.

Brighten Your Attitude

Don't loose heart if you are attacked by adverse circumstances, tragedies, hardships and failures today. Nothing is permanent in this world. Don't cry over your fate or blame anyone else for it. You just change your outlook. The root of what all you face in the world lies in your own nature, your past or present Karma. So let things happen as other natural events….. Most often the agony or suffering appears more severe and unbearable than it actually is merely because one's low tolerance or inability to cope with them. You look introvert and convince your mind that your real self has immense power and is unaffected by external circumstances. This will inspire new courage and condition your mind to think differently. Let positive thoughts and selfless attitude brighten your horizons.

It is impossible to have a healthy, hearty and progressive life despite having a short tempered nature, jealousy, greed and unbalanced thinking…. Have a critical look at yourself, review your good and bad qualities and attempt diminishing the untoward and enhancing the beneficial tendencies.

By optimistic, think positive, be good…. Proceed ahead with a hope of a brighter and happier tomorrow with higher achievements. Look at your life with a new perspective. You will soon experience a welcome change in everything, your life will now have anew meaning, a superior goal…..

Heaven and Hell Exist in This Very World

If we look at the various states of human life and its circumstances we shall find enormous difference - some are prospering in favorable conditions with abundant resources, worldly success, cooperation and benevolence whereas some are deprived of even the basic necessities; adversities seems to be their only companions. Just pondering over these extremes and compare them with your imaginations of the heavenly paradise and the torturous hell! You will find that both are present respectively in the above situations. Highest of the joys, comforts, beauty of life present in this world, are no less than what could lie in the heavens. Severest of the agonies and miseries are also there which compete with what is described as the hell; one finds them more torturous at times and is driven to commit suicide in a futile attempt of liberation from these after death.

Thus, the existence of the heavens and hell in God's land might be debatable, but their presence in this very world is quite evident. In fact, this world is itself a complete stage of life where we play our role, do the Karmas and accordingly accumulate and face the destiny in the endless cycle of life in successive births. Whether born as human being or in other life-forms, we have to reap what we had sown through our own conduct and actions in earlier lives and consequently experience the heavenly bliss or horrifying torment here only.

The Real Worth

There is no one in this world who is absolutely free from flaws or who has never committed any mistake. Therefore, don't irritate or get annoyed at others' shortcomings; do not insult them either.

Don't preach others. Rather, learn from others mistakes. Preach yourself and improve your self first. Those who teach others but fail to adopt those teachings themselves are cheaters; they deceive themselves as well as the world.The real worth of life lies in one's virtuous qualities. Every creature in this world is endowed with some distinction. The light of self-respect is indeed a great bequest of the Almighty bestowed upon humans. Self-respect means realization of the dignity of the soul. The divine light of the soul should reflect in every thought, aspiration and action of an awakened person. Everyone is alike for him; he can conqueror everyone by serene love, compassion, benevolence, altruism and pure thoughts and truthful, modest behavior. These virtues are the real worth, perennial pearls of human life.

Your World is Your Own Creation

The sublime world existing in your inner self is more real, important, vast and powerful than the world outside. No doubt the external circumstances and things affect us significantly; but more intense is the impact of our inner world. Other things, people or situations won't do that much good or bad to us as our own convictions, intrinsic faith and tendencies. The holy Bhagvad Gita preaches that human-self is the greatest friend as well as the mightiest enemy of itself. Indeed, no one can help you more than what you could to yourself by your virtues and good actions. Similarly, no one could harm you more than what your flaws, vices and evil tendencies would. The intrinsic nature of one self creates the inner world; the gross (external) world for one is only a reflection of this inner world. In the same circumstances, people experience the world differently as per their own attitude and expectations.

Enthusiasm with a Check of Maturity

You should be a real master and not the slave of your sense organs. You can't enjoy even the pleasure of the senses for long without observing self-continence. Running after ever-new passions ceases peace from your life and results in varieties of weaknesses and self-invited worries.

Being driven by sensual lust is against the human-nature and human-religion. Sri Bhagvad Gita is regarded as the treatise of ideal life. Its guidance will be accomplished in your life only if you succeed in its prerequisite of self-discipline over your senses. Without the endeavors of self-restrain, you can't proceed in any Yoga Sadhana of spiritual refinement; it is a must for achieving something wrong on the worldly fronts as well. The Sitar of life produces melodious music only if its wires are controlled carefully.

Just think of the fate of the horse-rider who can't hold the bridle of the horse. Appropriate control over the horse is a must. It the rider wants to reach somewhere safely. The same is about the agile horse of mind in the journey of life. Prudent vigil and self-restrain are essential for progress peace and happiness.

Some audacious youths regard discipline as a barrier against their enthusiasm and energy; they want to break all mental, social and national norms. But this puts them and many others into trouble and harms everyone. Alertness and guidance of matured wisdom are as necessary with zest in life as was Krishna's support to Arjuna in the Mahabharata war. If humans are intelligent beings, they should note that steadfastness and farsightedness are signs of intelligence.

The Perennial Law of Mental Evolution

The quality of our mental inscriptions and hence the nature of our mind depends upon what kinds of thoughts dominate our thinking most often. An empty mind is said to be a devil's house whereas a mind engaged in creative works and righteous, constructive deeper thinking is sure to sharpen, brighten and expand its capabilities.

You must ponder over this fact that your mental evolution is in your hands. Short-temperedness enhances the tendencies of anger, harmful excitations. Worries, tensions, gloom, despair and similar kinds of negative instincts weaken your mind further. So stop plunging into the untoward memories of the past and do not let your mind roam in vulgar, erotic, revengeful, depressing or arbitrary imagination

Positive optimistic and reasoned thinking educes new joy and energy in your mind and motivates it for constructive actions; this is also the key to sharpening the intellect. In short our thoughts are the hidden rulers of our life. Concentration of mind upon a focused objective and associated thoughts augment its corresponding skills and potentials. this is how one becomes an expert in specific talent or field of knowledge…..