What could be more abominable and disdainful than a human life spend like that of bees or dogs buzzing and sticking around the rubbish of sinful tendencies or running madly in greed to lick the dirt of sensual lust. That ascent or "success" of human life is useless and scornful which grows like a tree of dates, offering no shadow or shelter to anyone. What to say of the prosperous life, which is spent like a snake in guarding the possessions, which is all the time occupied in fulfilling selfish ambitions? They are really pitiable who are ignorant and waste the precious opportunity of being born as humans - which even gods aspire to attain… Their acts are like selling invaluable pearls for mere pieces of colored glass and shining stones. The will have nothing but the sufferings of the sins and flaws and repenting in the end….
So, awaken "O" human being, and recognize the greatness of your life. Live a life worth its dignity; do something that leaves out glorious marks being you, which others could follow with grace. Do something, which could provide some light to the future generations. Truthfulness, honesty, loving and kind attitude, benevolence, tolerance, firmness, fairness, self-retrain, are the virtues of humanity which every human being could adopt irrespective of his or her intellectual level or social circumstances etc. These are the real treasure, real beauty and real honors of human life.
"We are there where destiny has brought us… What to do our fate is written badly; every one is against us, no circumstances favor us or do any good to us. It is our ill omen… etc" - the thoughts of this kind are worse than what adversities or bad luck could be. this kind of thinking reflects one's lack of faith in his own potentials, his infirmity, ignorance lethargy, or cowardice. this kind of negative thinking has ruined many lives….
You should have faith in your soul. This will help you cultivate the seeds of courage, optimism and vivacity in your inner spirit. Don't sit idle; even cleaning the house or arranging things in order is a good work to change your moods. Begin with small, short-time resolution and apply all your energy and efforts to accomplish them; this will boost your morale drastically and pave the way for greater endeavors.
It is only you who could make yourself happy. When you think and attempt for inner content and happiness, it indeed rejuvenates your mind. On the contrary, when you are anguished or frustrated, everything around, all circumstances appear depressing and unfavorable. This state of mind evaporates your vital energy and zeal and hampers your self-confidence without you noticing it.
Think positively; think of power, love goodwill and inner strength. Look at the lives of the great personalities, the intrepid worriers, capabilities to eliminate your poverty, your weakness and adversities, you only need to recognize this fact and change your attitude and routine accordingly.
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